
WC Lien Collection

Liberty Liens is a hub of expert lien collectors. We ensure that we are getting the maximum reimbursement from the insurance carriers for our valuable clients.

Scheduling VA

Let us take the burden of appointment scheduling off your shoulders and save your extra expense. As our appointment scheduling service comes with a very flexible pricing & exceptional quality.

Property Damage Consultation

Unleashing the Power of Expertise: Your Top Choice for Property Damage Consultation! 


Marketing For PI Doctors

Every healthcare provider looks forward to scale up their business. Liberty Liens offer a marketing service specifically designed for PI doctors to connect them with PI attorneys & generate referral patients.


Whether it’s a Worker’s comp or Personal Injury Lien. Our expert lien collectors know how to handle aggressive attorneys with snap of a finger. 

AME/QME/IME Examination & Evaluation

Liberty Liens is here to help you & provide you top Agreed/ independent/ Qualified medical examination doctors to resolve medical disputes in your workers comp case.

VOB (Verification of Benefits)

Verification of benefits consumes a lot of time of healthcare providers & create hurdles for them to carry out other tasks. Liberty Liens has team of VOB experts. Who can make sure that you are getting paid.

Credentialing and Contracting

Liberty Liens understand that credentialing is a pre requisite of enrolling the provider with insurance company. We offer swift credentialing and contracting service to healthcare providers.


Get expert Lien negotiation service from Liberty Liens to maximize your revenue. So, you can focus on your client’s consultation and other crucial tasks. Boost your revenue by outsourcing lien negotiation to Liberty Liens.

PI Attorney’s Marketing

Every Law firm looks forward to scale up their business. Liberty Liens offer a marketing service specifically designed for PI Attorneys to connect them with PI doctors & generate referral clients.


Marketing For PI Doctors

Every healthcare provider looks forward to scale up their business. Liberty Liens offer a marketing service specifically designed for PI doctors to connect them with PI attorneys & generate referral patients.

Medical Billing & Coding

Get your medical billing & coding into the hands of certified medical billers, coders & RCM Experts to Experience the immaculate, accurate & efficient.


Front Desk

Why pay more for a front desk/ operator. When you can get the same service on reasonable pricing & promising quality. Liberty liens can offer you Virtual assistant.